A romantic drama from a Hungarian village of the mid-1950s. The story of the love and rebellion of Mari Pataki, a timid young girl, has been betrothed to a wealthy bridegroom, a match her parents made for reasons of expediency. But she is in love with Mátéus, a young member of a cooperative. Their story is framed by the turbulent changes in society at that time and the persistence of old traditions. In his own words, Fábri always tries to make films which protest against degradation and violence, against belittling the right to human dignity, and Merry-Go-Round is the first in which this theme appears unambiguously. A special magic is given to individual scenes and the film as a whole by variations in rhythm, the poetic camera of Barnabás Hegyi and the functional musical accompaniment of György Ránky. Today, the ride of the two lovers on the merry-go-round ranks among the classic sequences in international cinematography. The dazzling debut performance of Mari Törőcsik, at that time a second year student at the School of Dramatic Arts, set her off on her career to stardom. Fábri?s Merry-Go-Round recorded one of the first great international successes of post-war Hungarian cinematography.

via kviff.com

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